(all instruments and music theory)
Free introductory lesson!
I have a 24-hour cancellation policy. Lessons not timeously cancelled will be charged for.
A free lesson takes place by appointment. Its primary function is for us to get acquainted with each other better and see if we wish to start a student-teacher relationship. I see what you can do in whatever subject and you can see if you can learn anything from me, and most important, if you enjoy learning with me. There’s nothing to lose! You get a free lesson from a professional musician and it might be the start of an excellent learning journey. If you are bringing your child for a lesson with me, I prefer you to stay in the room throughout the first lesson. You don’t have to make a decision on the day, please take some time to consider and contact me if you want to schedule more lessons.
Kindly pay before your lesson into my bank account. I also accept monthly payments for music lessons in advance. Don’t forget your/your child’s name in the payment reference.
The fees of all Austrian Feldenkrais teachers are privately settled. Some supplementary private health insurance providers have policies in which the Feldenkrais Method is included. Feldenkrais courses can be subsidized at the request of the privately insured.
Yes, with an additional travel fee.
English and German (deutsch).
Yes and no.
How Functional Integration is like a massage:
How Functional Integration is not like a massage: